You write so beautifully Caitlin, thank you so much. It is heartbreaking & I at times feel so impotent in the face of everything that is unfolding, not least because I feel so isolated in this tiny island community I live in. However, you are quite right, it us down to us. I often have said to people that we tend to put our heroes on pedestals, to view them as some kind of superhero with special powers, immune to fear, but the reality is they are and never were superheroes, they are flawed human beings just like us, but with passion & an absolute commitment to their cause, which in reality is the cause of humanity. When we recognise that we can find the strength, including with the support of others, to rise up & step into their shoes, even if we don't fill their footprints, we can hold on to hope & carry/lead the movement forward. Love to those that have walked the path before us & it's only right they get to retire from this challenging world as the beautiful souls they are, although it seems unfair that their last journeys always seem so incredibly difficult & thank you to them for laying that path!. Solidarity 🙏🏼✊🏽