To my human family, let’s be brave!
It's a weird feeling knowing that you are flying towards possible danger and that you have made a conscious decision to do so, in the hope that somehow it makes a difference. What next steps I will take, only time will tell, it's a constant weighing of risk versus reward. Wanting to stand in solidarity with the Palestinian people, forgotten & dehumanised by the international community for far too long, so they know they are heard and that we, the ordinary people of the world, recognise that not only do they matter, but that our lives are not more valuable then theirs, despite the indoctrination of the empire, versus considering the impact on your own beloved family and whether, if the worst happens, it will have been worth it, in the context of the struggle.
The reality is, however, that this fight for the very soul of humanity is down to us as ordinary folk, because our leaders have failed in the most grotesque way. We must win this battle, because the alternative does not bear thinking about and will render our species forever unworthy of life.
We can evolve from the most base of our instincts, and we must. We must all commit ourselves everyday to contributing in every way we personally can to building the critical mass that will not just end this great crime, but all similar ones. We must rip out the ideologies that made it possible from their roots, address the traumas the seeds were sown in, and trust that we can see a new earth built on the foundations of love, compassion, kindness, peace, tolerance, collaboration, cooperation and recognising that we are all connected.
Despite what many disheartened might suggest, this is not the naive thinking of an idealist, it is the most natural destination of a conscious species, if we are brave enough to embrace the truth that it is possible, if we all do both our inner and outer work, integrate our shadow self and understand this was always meant to be our destiny. We are but one human family, irrespective of the labels the old world, now dying, attached to us.
Yes, we must move beyond the lie of scarcity and that competition is what births innovation and progress and rather finally come to understand that building cooperative communities, where each individual's basic needs are met, is not only what will ensure cohesion, but also happiness, fulfillment and a society where all will thrive, and individually we will all have the best chance of self actualising. No, it won't be perfect, but it will be a world we can be proud of and if we truly love our children, it will be the only inheritance worth leaving them, anything else is just fool's gold.
So my dear human family, never forget that we are each other's brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, let nobody tell you otherwise. Our beautiful future, waiting to be born, is ours for the taking, if only we can all be courageous enough to take the necessary steps right now.
Footnote: To my family, friends and individuals who have supported me in this journey, in all your various ways, there are not really the words, but for now, thank you so very much.