There is no ‘other’ only ‘us’
I read an article the other day by Caitlin Johnstone & its bitter, soul-destroying truth made me cry. It’s the realisation, if we are truly honest with ourselves, that despite our promises, our hearts are becoming desensitised.
Those walking corpses have stolen, massacre by massacre, our gentle hearts that once shook & collapsed our body as we bore witness.
As with any raw flesh exposed again and again to pain, our hearts have begun to grow callouses in order to allow us to continue to stand and put one foot in front of the other, as we must. As I consider this, I realise that a part of me has broken and will never, at least in this life, be truly fixed.
But acknowledging this also causes me to reflect on the zombies responsible and I begin to feel a different type of sadness as I recognise what was stolen from them in childhood, when it was determined that they would be offered up to the monster, with the insatiable thirst for the blood, pain, tears of a rooted people, whose land it gobbles up. The leviathan who mistakenly concluded that through these actions their and theirs’ future would be secured.
They fell for the false doctrine, that once transplanted, they could push down their own roots, but as with anything born from trauma, destruction and fear unheard, it has, instead, poisoned the earth and ensured their ruin.
So how do we move forward? I’m not entirely sure, but what I do know is that rather than allowing the callouses to turn us away and believe this is the harsh new reality we must accept, we must instead understand their purpose and that is…so we can keep walking the path, that between breaths that we must take, we continue to bear witness, we continue to fight, and fight harder and we struggle and we amplify the voices of our fading brothers and sisters, we do not stop! We also hold on to the knowledge that, as the parable tells us, our dear Palestinian brethren, like all indigenous peoples, are also seeds & thus cannot truly be destroyed, only buried for a while, to take root and then flower again.
Our struggle at this time, in reality, is for our own humanity and salvation, because whether we truly understand it yet, or not, we are but one body, breathing and groaning together, and we must acquire the wisdom to truly comprehend that what we do, or allow to be done to other, we do or allow to be done to ourselves. The true liberation of each and every single one of us from the dark forces of the world, will only be achieved on the day we open our eyes & see that there is no ‘other’ only ‘us’. Aho