How do we find a path to Redemption?
I’ve not been under the illusion for a long time that the West was a moral authority on anything, but recent events have proved to me that the West, particularly the US & the UK, no longer deserve a seat at the table of anything to pontificate to others about human rights. I’m now of the mind that nothing but the total collapse of these empires needs to happen for the sakes of all of us. The world in failing Palestine in the most grotesque manner has failed humanity and our only path back in any meaningful way is to make a decision as ordinary people to no longer live under their rules, their order, which built its kingdom on the piles of burned, charred, beheaded babies of indigenous groups, most recently the Palestinians & the rubble of their dreams.
We desperately need to work together to rip this whole debased system down that profits from other’s hell, because otherwise we will have failed as a species & we will all deserve to be wiped off this beautiful planet we were gifted.
We can do better, and if there is anything left of us worth salvaging from this most televised genocide, it must be a commitment to truly understand what ‘never again’ was meant to mean and ripping the ideologies, the economic, political & religious out from their roots & plant the only seeds that can guarantee a life worth living, those of love, compassion, tolerance, peace, connectness. This is the only way we can hope of finding any kind of redemption.
To the people of Palestine, there simply aren’t the words, we cared, we tried, we screamed, we cried, we failed.