Absolutely brilliant, bang on article Caitlin. This is why I'm so disillusioned, the 'left' too often are too driven by ego, puritanical ideologies & love intellectual word sparring too. The obsession with identity politics has been used by the liberal establishment to divide & nullify us. The UK government at this time demonstrates the ridiculousness of what happens when we focus on identity as opposed to class. It is absolutely the wrong thing at the wrong time & we need to sort it out, our very existence might well depend upon it. I'm not even sure the 'left'/'right' labels are even valid anymore. Thank you for all you do👏🏼 ✊🏼

Natalie Strecker
Natalie Strecker

Written by Natalie Strecker

Supporting the international movement to create a kinder, fairer society for all & looking after this planet we share. #HumanityRising #FreePalestine

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